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These are articles you can read online on various topics. Categories here are Judging, Health and Care, DVD/Book reviews, Gear/Product reviews and Miscellany. The latter includes assorted information articles, including some on philosophy, great quotes, interviews, and important tips. ALL of these articles are free to read or download to your printer. They are not pdfs so if you want to print, simply do a screen capture or cut and paste into files for your use.



  • Review of Hillmann's Fundamentals Part 2-Water

    Bill Hillmann has two DVDs on his Fundamentals training program. They are similar to a Basics level with some early Transition work. The first was Land Fundamentals and here Dennis Voigt reviews Part 2 on water fundamentals

    by Dennis Voigt
    Posted April 01, 2014
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  • Review of Hillmann's Training a Retriever Puppy Revised

    Bill Hillmann's 1st edition Training a Retriever Puppy has been widely received as an excellent method for early puppy training. The 2nd edition reviewed here by Dennis Voigt adds much new material and features several different pups. Contents of the 2 DVD are listed.

    by Dennis Voigt
    Posted April 01, 2013
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  • Coat Colour Genetics in Retrievers

    Coat colour inheritance in retrievers is often poorly understood. In this article by Susan Taylor, DVM, the genetics of coat colour is clearly described for Labrados, Goldens and Chessies.. 

    by Susan Taylor, DVM
    Posted March 01, 2009
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  • Retriever Training Workshops

    Retriever Training Workshops have become an excellent way to expand your dog training knowledge. this review describes the benefits of attending a workshop and describes some experiences from a Pat Burns/Andy Attar event.

    by Dennis Voigt
    Posted January 01, 2013
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  • Review of Training with Mike Lardy Volumes

    Mike Lardy's Volumes are from his Retriever Journal articles and are one of the best buys out there. This review describes his latest Volume 4 plus lists Contents of Volume 1-3. They are available at

    by Dennis Voigt
    Posted January 01, 2013
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  • Fowl Dogs 4 Review

    In this review  of Rick Stawski's latest DVD, Dennis Voigt describes the collection of marking and handling drills featured in this DVD. It is an excellent collection and well-illustrated by Rick

    by Dennis Voigt
    Posted April 01, 2012
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  • Mike Lardy's Total Retriever Training 2 Review

    Mike Lardy's Total Retriever Training has become the gold standard program for field trial and hunt test retriever training. The 2nd Edition reviewed here contains much new and improved material while retaining the proven and time-tested program.

    by Dennis Voigt
    Posted July 01, 2009
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  • Rule Book Ambiguities and more

    The Retriever Field Trial Rule Book is discussed by Ted Shih and Dennis Voigt in relation to ambiguities, common conventions, and "made up" rules.

    by Ted Shih and Dennis Voigt
    Posted November 01, 2009
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  • Laying An Egg while Judging-How to Avoid

    Ted Shih and Dennis Voigt discuss many of the things a judge can do to avoid having a poor judging assignment. These ideas were the fore-runner of the Judges Fundamentals and Checklists (available here). 

    by Ted Shih and Dennis Voigt
    Posted November 01, 2010
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  • Judging Blinds -Part 1

    Judging Blinds is discussed by Ted Shih and Dennis Voigt. Topics covered include the design of blinds to test dogs fairly but with handling challenges and the evaluation of relative performances using the Rule Book as a guide.

    by Ted Shih and Dennis Voigt
    Posted July 01, 2009
    (0) Comments

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